Tuesday, February 05, 2019

What makes us feel good about our work? | Dan Ariely

This guy confirms my perceptions, however faulty, about my own attitudes towards work... and the value (so utterly underestimated) of intangible elements of work life. Also interesting is that he's an Hispanic... speaking to an Hispanic audience. In other words... maybe passing through history is like running a gauntlet... that, once a moment has informed us, we can never go back.... we have less chance of making the same mistakes again (i.e., Hispanics are riding a little higher up the learning curve now that Euro-Plebs have tread that path). Rupert Sheldrake is all about this; though, admittedly more high-falutin'; where he formally believes in a "field" theory of understanding; which was more eloquently (and more humbly) presented by Terence McKenna... where the Universe is an engine of increased Novelty. The Universe is an intellect; an organic whole; and, in the famous congregation of words by George Bush... "fool me once.. uh... won't get fooled again!"

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